Micro Vario
Partner: Kern Microtechnik GmbH
Segment: CNC-Machines
Process: Milling
Segment: Precision
The second generation of the Kern Micro sets new benchmarks in flexibility, precision, and productivity with its updated design and numerous advancements. The Kern Micro Vario, being ultra-compact, flexible, and tailored to various applications, provides a significant and sustainable competitive edge efficiently.

Micro HD
Partner: Kern Microtechnik GmbH
Segment: CNC-Machines
Process: Milling
Segment: Ultra-Precision
The Kern Micro HD is the most recent advancement in our machine technology, showcasing unparalleled long-term precision, top-tier surface quality, and unmatched cutting performance for users requiring high precision.

Pyramid Nano
Partner: Kern Microtechnik GmbH
Segment: CNC-Machines
Process: Milling
Segment: Precision
The Kern Pyramid Nano is specifically engineered for tasks demanding top-notch precision and superb surface quality, even when dealing with sizable workpieces that need quick machining. Thanks to its built-in workpiece changer, the Kern Pyramid Nano can operate autonomously, particularly for 5-axis simultaneous operations.

Partner: Innolite GmbH
Segment: CNC-Machines
Process: Turning
Process: Milling
Segment: Ultra-Precision
The IL600 is a four- or optionally five-axis ultra-precision machining center for highly productive optics production. The integrated NanoGrip zero-point clamping systems are world leaders in flexibility in diamond machining systems. The IL600 enables the combination of diamond turning and free-form turning, planing, and milling, as well as the grinding of optical surfaces. In addition to machining processes, we offer a range of contact and non-contact sensors that can be fully integrated into the machine and the control system for advanced component characterization.

Partner: Innolite GmbH
Segment: CNC-Machines
Process: Turning
Process: Milling
Segment: Ultra-Precision
IL1200 is an ultra-precision 4-axis CNC vertical machining center designed for machining large optical mirrors up to 1.2 m in diameter with high accuracy. It can handle various materials such as metals, crystals, and polymers. The machine features advanced components like a self-leveling system, cooling systems, non-contact measurement, and diamond turning capabilities. The vertical spindle arrangement ensures precise alignment, and the software allows for machining different types of surfaces with high precision.